Wars May Come and Go, But My SOLDIERS always Remain The Same!!!
Well,ladies and gentlemen, its just a long f**king time since anyone posted on our favourite blog. What happened to you guys? Did your ballz just drop off? Valsan is running the show now.. What the f**k? Can this happen? no no no... Do something guys !!!! Predith I know you have chnaged alot nowdays !!! You seem to be shaving everything off !! Hopefully you didnt shave everything and I mean absoloutely everything. Kharthik we are missing you , you are our fallen comrade !!! Heard that you're too buzy with chicks over in India. Dont go rape a farmer's daughter dey, and then the whole village is gonna hunt down your ass !!! Just take each step in your stride. As for the MMU guys, its damn dissapointing cause they dnt even want to play DOTA with us anymore. Thats sad !!! They changed alot !!! Cmon guys, be active on thsi blog again la. Its dying in time....