Thursday, August 09, 2007

better plan!

buah kelapa di tepi pantai,
makan nasi dengan monyet,
kalau mencari destinasi cuti,
kembara lah ke pantai monyet..

Yes, Jai, I also think Langkawi !!!

Yes Jai,I also think your idea is a perfect one as we all should head north to Langkawi !!! We can still get "our stuffs" there aite...hahahaha. So start the planning dey !!! I'm in anyway !!!

Monday, August 06, 2007

QUiZ TiME GuYz!!!

alrite mentioned by d title...i'm doin a fun quiz for us all to play...below i have attached a number of pictures that is sum wat related to 1 of d members of our clan...d "tricky" part is...who do u guys think it is...wat i mean is...who do u guys think of when u see these pictures n rectify his name n obviously guys pls give sum comment about tis guy...make is a "nice" comment alrite reply everyone...take ur wildest guess...hahaha...

p/s: quiz ini mempunyai kaitan dengan seorang yg sedang hidup di alam pertanian, tetapi saya tidak bertanggungjawab atas kesulitan yg dihadapi insan ini setelah orang ramai membaca article ini...


watz up i see a plan bout holiday destinations to be choosen for our next get together...nice least we have sum support from all of us...haha...well if u ask me...i'll go wit yugen wei...he got d right keywords when u speak bout holidays...haha...but we all naturally know...its hard or maybe close to impossible for us all 2 go thailand rite?so lets speak reality...predith fuck u n ur dumb ass plans...quit monkey beach wei...its not happening...ur d oni 1 wanting to go there...haha...i would say we go langkawi...we still get d "goods" there...haha...wat u guys say?if its a fucked up idea...dun be so mean to me :D


Saturday, August 04, 2007

A Tune!

WE go N See Gwen STefani!!

Macaa's...lets get the ticket n go see gwen stefani live at stadium putra,bukit jalil live on the 21st August!!yeA...Small CUte ti'S, big nice vOICE!! THATS THE WAY..wooo...HAha WarNING: predith,shaun: please dont get horny..

Thursday, August 02, 2007

I say THAILAND !!!

Cool, I strongly suggest we scrap the skydiving crap and go to the land of chicks = Thailand !!! Gals,gays(for khartik),and booze will be a perfect combination !!! hahahaha...