Saturday, May 27, 2006

SuM piCs TaKeN BaCk iN D ScHOoLiNG dAyS...

JuSt FouND tis PicS on D Pc n ThouGht of PostIng it Up...
well well u can see what we a few of d clan members representing the whole clans attutude in class...teacher in front...students behind taking photos to post up on d guy that u can only see d hand showing what he thinks of such an attutide..showing d middle finger!!!

well well well...look here...its d trials examination and u can see all of us with books in front of the F**K u think we get all our excellent results?just by playing ah?this is proof we actually study niggas!!!but if u look closely again...notice that everyone is just having d book one is actually looking at it...sum r day dreaming and the rest talking to each i guess this pic doesnt proove anything after all...we are still lazy bunch of cunts...hahaha...


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