Sunday, June 17, 2007

OK,so what if REAL won the SPL???? Big Deal !!!

So,it seems that Real Madrid won the the Premiera Liga yesterday in a tensed finale.. Well,congrats to them for achieving that but I really dnt see why anyone should make such a big deal of this sucess.. They won it by the skin of their teeth and didnt win it in style.. I repeat,they didnt win it in "STYLE"... For example, Manchester United won the league in complete style.. They had the title wrapped up early and not like Madrid who had to wait for the final day of the season to confirm winning it.I was watching their game yesterday hoping for them to slip up and let Barca snatch the title but it didnt happen.. Its ok,next time perhaps.. hahaha.. But many weird things were happening yesterday during the Madrid game..Tom Cruise was jumping up and down cheering on MAdrid,Rafael Nadal was almost in tears when Madrid were confirmed as champions..And even katie Holmes was there with tom Cruise.. So many celebrities supporting this cunt team.. Pathetic man.... The gulf in class can be seen there almost certainly.. But nevertheless,my congrats to Real Madrid and also to Mr.Predith who supports this white cunts sincerely.. Its a one off celebration for you pal.. You better celebrate this title victory all you want cause their next win in any competitions is almost going to be a long long time away...Its true,its true...


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